ஒகேனக்கல்லுக்கு வரும் நீரின் அளவு அதிகரிப்பு : சுற்றுலாப் பயணிகள் அருவிகளில் குளிக்க தடை
பிரபஞ்சத்தில் மேலும் ஒரு சூரியக் குடும்பம் இருப்பது உறுதியானது: கெப்ளர்-90 குடும்பத்தில் 8வது கோள் கண்டுபிடிப்பு
தேர்தலில் ஓட்டுகளை அறுவடை செய்ய என்னை சிலுவையில் அறைய பார்க்கிறார்கள் : விஜய் மல்லையா புகார்
டெண்டர் முறைகேடு உள்ளிட்ட புகார்களை விசாரிக்க முடியாத வகையில் லோக் ஆயுக்தா மசோதா: ஸ்டாலின் குற்றச்சாட்டு
Sivakarthikeyan Photos latest
A few days ago, Aditya covered 5 advantages Google+ has over Facebook. Last week during the unfortunate serial bomb blasts in Mumbai, Pratik Parekh pointed out to another advantage Google+ has over Facebook. This advantage is in link-sharing feature present on both sites.
If you followed social-media after Mumbai Blast closely, then you might have come across Wikipedia article links to Ajmal Kasab’s page being shared all over. Some miscreant had modified Kasab’s date of birth on his wiki page making it 13th July’s which was the day the serial blasts took place in Mumbai.
Like many people, I fell for falsehood and shared the wiki-link over Facebook as well as Google+ at the same time. After few hours, when the error on Wikipedia was resolved, Google+ shared link preview showed corrected date of birth while Facebook link-preview still showed the wrong date of birth.

Google+ Link Cache

If you followed social-media after Mumbai Blast closely, then you might have come across Wikipedia article links to Ajmal Kasab’s page being shared all over. Some miscreant had modified Kasab’s date of birth on his wiki page making it 13th July’s which was the day the serial blasts took place in Mumbai.
Like many people, I fell for falsehood and shared the wiki-link over Facebook as well as Google+ at the same time. After few hours, when the error on Wikipedia was resolved, Google+ shared link preview showed corrected date of birth while Facebook link-preview still showed the wrong date of birth.
You can see screenshots below:
Facebook Link CacheGoogle+ Link Cache
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